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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ham and Cheese Risoles

This is a very delicious appetizer. My boyfriend loves it very much, also my little brother.
Easy to make if you have supple hands.

for skins (around 25 sheets):
500ml fresh milk
2 eggs
200gr all-purpose flour
a pinch of salt

for filling :
3 eggs
3 sheets of cheese
2 sheets of ham

for coating:
an egg

How to :
1. In a bowl, put the flour, eggs, and salt. Beat the eggs.
2. Pour the milk gradually while mixing it evenly (you don't need a mixer), set aside.
3. On a pot, make 3 boiled eggs.
4. Slice the ham, eggs, and cheese into @25 pieces. Set aside.
5. Heat a non-stick frying pan, add small amount of oil (better using a brush)
6. Pour a ladle of the batter into the frying pan and quickly spread it along the frying pan. Cook it for just a moment, don't flip. You should have a beautiful thin pancakes-look alike.
7. Put the "pancakes" upside down on a plate, so that you will put the filling on the fried side, and you will have the smooth side outside the risoles.
8. Put the filling near the bottom side.
9. Fold it upwards until it reach the center, fold the side into the center, and roll it upwards.
10. Beat an egg on a bowl
11. Coat the risoles with the beaten egg.
12. Coat the risoles with the breadcrumbs
13. Deep fry them until golden brown.

Note :
- Fold them while they're still hot.
- If you fry the batter thicker, you will have a delicious pancake.

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